Volunteers at Oasis Play Centre with Peter Franko delivering the cheque
Extremely grateful volunteers at Oasis Play Centre
Peter Franko – Supervisor on the Hyde Housing Safer Homes contract wholeheartedly completed two Social Value projects last month. Here we have donated £1300 to Oasisplay https://oasisplay.org.uk/ based in Stockwell and extremely close to communities in which we carry out work for Hyde.
Oasis play had requested the donation so that they can purchase a Table tennis table and the Hockey table to go inside at the Play centre. Peter went along and delivered a cheque and engaged with the volunteers to understand who benefited from the centre.
Hyde Housing list their Social Value community projects on a bespoke software programme called ‘Match My Project’ (MMP). This a software platform that we have access to, so we can offer to complete projects of our choice. It is a very advanced way of operating in this sector.
Oasisplay is a local charity that runs three different and unique facilities for children and young people in Stockwell, London. Oasisplay provides innovative and inclusive outdoor play and learning opportunities that enable disabled and non-disabled children and young people to lead happy, fulfilled lives and play positive roles in the community.
Peter has offered to return to help put the tables together once they are delivered.
They also discussed potential maintenance that needs carrying out around the site, therefore Peter has suggested that we could potentially do this for them. Iff they post it on MMP and we may be able to offer to complete it for them.
Well done Peter.
The room awaiting the goodies – Peter has offered to go back help erect the tables
The room awaiting the goodies – Peter has offered to go back help erect the tables