Paul Sharpe, Gas Engineer. Kevin Linden ISO Auditor
We are delighted to announce that last week Purdy passed their 3-day annual audit for the re-assessment of ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001. Auditor, Kevin Linden, commented it was an ‘Excellent performance, I was most impressed’.
This is due to the hard work of all staff adhering to processes, documentation and the requirements of the ISO systems.
“The documentation system has been well written and well maintained’. All employees interviewed were knowledgeable and demonstrated ownership of their processes with a good balance of understanding of their responsibilities towards achieving their objectives.”
Kevin Linden; ISO Auditor
Hilary Clark, Purdy’s Business Co-Ordination Manager who prepared for the audit said “This is a team effort by all, and we couldn’t have achieved this without your valuable assistance so a BIG THANK YOU to you all. In particularly we would like to convey our thanks to Dave Dunbar, Aaron Butler and Paul Sharpe for their hard work on site.”
Lee Venables, Kinovo’s Chief Operating Officer congratulated Hilary and the team, “A fantastic team effort and thanks to all those involved in achieving the re-certification. Great comments from the Auditor, which is testament to all the prep work that goes into this behind the scenes from you Hilary.”
Paul being observed by the Auditor in a residents property
“Dave, Aaron and Paul were respectful to the customers and ensured that the properties they visited were protected from damage. Communications with the clients were conducted professionally ensuring that the customers were aware of what was happening.”
Kevin Linden; ISO Auditor
Kevin Linden – ISO Auditor
Paul being observed by the Auditor in a residents property