These amazing little puppets will be making their debut appearance in a short animation that the Young Animators Club are currently working on with us to promote our professional EV charger installation service.

We have been in awe of the enthusiasm and hard work that the children have shown for our project. They truly care about the environment and want to see companies taking action to make a difference. They have great knowledge about the necessity for an improved infrastructure of charging so that there can be more Electric Vehicles on the road sooner. We can’t wait to see the finished animation.

The children at the Young Animators workshops have been very busy preparing sets, making puppets for our EV promo animation.

The last week will be voiceover week. The children will do various voiceovers for the animation, to pull at the heartstrings of our target audiences.

“Help save our planet now, please!”

“We need to look after the environment for our children’s children.”

We are very excited to see the final short film, so much work has gone into the preparation.